that`s just how i want to sit with you,
(only, me with my black marypoppins umbrella instead)
lost with each other,
in the middle of nowhere,
far away.
that`s how it`s gonna be.
some of the places that i would love to be able to explore once in my life
(funny dreams for someone who has not been sitting in a plane yet one.single.time...)
°scandinavia, for nature and some stockholm shopping
° iceland, for facing the elements
° canadian rocky mountains, for a classic "home on wheels, sneakers no heels" trip
° new york, for everything; for not being able to sleep the first night, beeing so completely . overwhelmed by it all
° new england in autumn, for colours
° japan, for secret zen gardens
° new zealand, for aragorn...
° fidschi, for witnessing sheer beauty
photo via weheartit.com
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